Career Day is a bi-annual event in which a diverse range of speakers are invited to speak to our students about their experiences, skills, and academic accomplishments that lead them to their current careers. Students then select one speaker in each session that they would like to attend. In an online environment, students had to do their research and make their choices ahead of time. To support Alumni & Family Relations Office planning this event, a strategy for marketing and communications was needed to provide information and promote the event online, in email, and on social media with an additional requirement for a quick turnaround to meet their deadlines.
In partnership with our Alumni & Family Relations Office, I lead the marketing and content creation strategies involved in Career Day. This included website development, and asset and content creation for web and social. These items were created to promote the event to our students, families, and external communities online.
SOLUTION #1: Website
The Career Day website was the most important solution in the marketing and communications strategy for this event due to the information it provided. As a result, all call-to-actions on email and social platforms were directed to the online page for further information on speakers, sessions, and meeting links.
Career Day webpage
(Desktop View)
Career Day webpage
Scrolling Animation
(Desktop View)
Career Day webpage
(Mobile View)
Career Day webpage
Scrolling Animation
(Mobile View)
SOLUTION #2: Social Media Promotion
The Alumni & Relations Office selected several speakers they wanted to highlight in the promotion. With the photo and information provided by the department, I created several social graphics to advertise the event on our social media platforms, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter with direct links to the webpage to direct further traffic.
SOLUTION #3: Event Coverage
To ensure coverage of the event for social media and archival use, my team and I attended and gathered screenshots from each of the 20+ sessions for later use.
Due to shifting deadlines, the website was launched four days before the Monday event. In those four days, the page saw 820 total views, 605 unique views, with an average view time of 4 minutes and 49 seconds, a 190.72% increase when compared to total website view time.